Auto Insurance

Also known as Car Insurance, Motor Insurance & Vehicle Insurance

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Why Auto Insurance Is A Must

Traffic in India is a regular occurrence for millions of people every day. With increased disposable money, it is now relatively simple to buy cars in the country, and with that, most households own more than one automobile. An automobile enables mobility, and that means no more dependence on public transportation.

On the other hand, there are the inherent dangers of driving in India. Traffic indiscipline, limited legal enforcement by road authorities, and numerous other issues regarding the traffic situation in India are everyday things we hear motorists lament. People in the media consistently report cases of traffic accidents and other infractions.

4 Excellent reasons to buy auto insurance

The insurance pays for damages

On top of the high expense of maintaining your vehicle, you must also fork over money for repairs. Even when someone else is at fault, your vehicle could still be damaged. Even if you collide with another vehicle or swerve to avoid a pedestrian, or a cricket ball damages your windshield, your finances will be seriously affected. Thus, you don't have to pay for these repairs out of pocket unless you have car insurance.

After your death, it will help to make your family's life easier

n the worst-case scenario, when a motor vehicle accident results in a death, the owner's demise is the outcome.
It may be difficult for a bread-earning insurance holder's family to maintain their daily living once the bread-earning policyholder has passed away. Car insurance might help to pay for the family's necessities following a loss.

During your hospitalisation, it pays for your stay

Not everyone who gets into an accident manages to walk away unscathed. Crushing accidents can result in broken bones, which necessitate hospitalisation. You will save money by having your insurance pay the hospital and treatment charges.

Your responsibility is reduced

Third-party liability insurance (TPL) is essential in India, even if you're not driving.
Under the TPL policy, you're protected from any lawsuits that may arise due to your involvement in an accident. In this case, you might be shielded from criminal liability

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